Vegan Chocolate Tart | Food Flaneur Recipe Collection (2024)

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Vegan Chocolate Tart | Food Flaneur Recipe Collection (1)

This no-bake, 5-ingredient Vegan Chocolate Tart is made with my homemade gluten-free, flourless Oreos – though if you fancy the easier option, use shop-bought chocolate cookies to make your biscuit base. A crispy, buttery chocolate cookie pie crust loaded with a creamy chocolate tofu filling. The filling contains just 3 ingredients, and is packed with protein, it’s awesome!

Vegan Chocolate Tart | Food Flaneur Recipe Collection (2)

If you’re not baking the cookies, then this dessert is a completely no-bake pudding – it just needs to be chilled in the fridge or freezer for a couple of hours. The only cooking you’ll do is melting chocolate so all in all, a pretty quick and simple recipe that’s easy to put together.

Vegan Chocolate Tart | Food Flaneur Recipe Collection (3)

By the way, my gluten-free oreo recipe is in my free ebook, which you can get if your subscribe to my blog. I’ve not yet put it up on my website, so in the mean time you can get it from there. On another note, please bear in mind that regular shop-bought oreos are not gluten-free.

Vegan Chocolate Tart | Food Flaneur Recipe Collection (4)

Why is this Good for Me?

  • Tofu is a great source of protein, exhibiting all 9 amino acids, which makes it a complete protein. Another bonus is that it contains no saturated fat (pretty much no fat actually) and offers a range of minerals too, such as calcium, iron and zinc.
  • Dark chocolate contains flavanols which exhibit anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity. They have the ability to inhibit free radicals, which are unstable molecules or elements that can harm our bodies. However, be aware of the sugar content in chocolate, which can vary between brands.
  • Coconut oil contains polyphenol antioxidants. In moderation it is a suitable alternative to butter. Be aware that it is also a saturated fat, so although it is stable at high temperatures for cooking, it should be consumed in small quantities.

Questions about Vegan Chocolate Tart

How to make Vegan Chocolate Tart

Vegan Chocolate Tart | Food Flaneur Recipe Collection (5)

To make Vegan Chocolate Tart crush the biscuits into fine crumbs then transfer to a bowl. Add melted coconut oil to the cookie crumbs then press into a greased spongiform tin, creating edges that curve up so that it is more like a pie crust rather than a flat cheesecake base.

Vegan Chocolate Tart | Food Flaneur Recipe Collection (6)

Use the flat base of a cup to press the crumbs down and pack more tightly to get a dense and sturdy crust that doesn’t crumble away when cut into later. Place in the freezer whilst preparing the filling. Add plant milk to the chocolate and heat either in a double boiler or microwave until melted, around 2-3 minutes. In a blender, add the silken tofu and blitz until smooth and no lumps remain.

Vegan Chocolate Tart | Food Flaneur Recipe Collection (7)

Pour the melted chocolate into the blender with the tofu and blitz again into a smooth chocolate cream. Remove base from freezer and pour in the chocolate tofu cream filling. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours before serving.

Vegan Chocolate Tart | Food Flaneur Recipe Collection (8)

Homemade chocolate tart not hardening

If the biscuit base is still crumbly, it could be that there was not enough oil to bind the cookie crumbs. If the filling is too runny, it’s likely that it needs more time for chilling. To speed things up a little, it can be chilled in the freezer rather than the fridge.

Vegan Chocolate Tart Substitutions

• Any type of chocolate can be used, but dark chocolate gives a more rich, deep flavour
• Silken tofu can be replaced with firm tofu but the filling will be a little more solid
• Any cookies can be used to make the base

This Vegan Chocolate Tart is…

  • Chocolatey
  • Creamy
  • Velvety
  • Crisp
  • Smooth
  • Dairy-free
  • Gluten-free
  • Vegan
  • Plant-based
Vegan Chocolate Tart | Food Flaneur Recipe Collection (9)

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Vegan Chocolate Tart | Food Flaneur Recipe Collection (18)

Vegan Chocolate Tart | Food Flaneur Recipe Collection (19)

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Vegan Chocolate Tart

This no-bake, 5-ingredient Vegan Chocolate Tart is made a crisp chocolate cookie pie crust loaded with a protein-packed chocolate tofu cream.

Prep Time5 minutes mins

Chilling Time4 hours hrs

Course: Dessert

Cuisine: American, French

Keyword: 5 ingredients, chocolate, dairy-free, eggless, flourless, gluten-free, healthy, plant-based, tart, tofu, vegan, vegetarian

Servings: 12 slices

Calories: 339kcal

Author: Reena Sharma


Biscuit base

  • 40 oreos you can check out my gluten-free oreo recipe for these
  • 5 tbsp coconut oil melted

Tart Filling

  • 390 g silken tofu 1 block
  • 180 g dark chocolate chips
  • 60 ml plant milk


  • Crush the biscuits into fine crumbs then transfer to a bowl.

  • Add melted coconut oil to the cookie crumbs then press into a greased spongiform tin, creating edge that curve up so that it is more like a pie crust rather than a flat cheesecake base. Use the flat base of a cup to press the crumbs down and pack more tightly to get a hard and sturdy crust that doesn’t crumble away when cut into later.

  • Place in the freezer whilst preparing the filling.

  • Add plant milk to the chocolate and heat either in a double boiler or microwave until melted, around 2-3 minutes.

  • In a blender, add the silken tofu and blitz until smooth and no lumps remain.

  • Pour the melted chocolate into the blender with the tofu and blitz again into a smooth chocolate cream.

  • Remove base from freezer and pour in the chocolate tofu cream filling.

  • Refrigerate for at least 4 hours before serving.


  • Any type of chocolate can be used, but dark chocolate gives a more rich, deep flavour
  • Silken tofu can be replaced with firm tofu but the filling will be a little more solid
  • Any cookies can be used to make the base


Calories: 339kcal | Carbohydrates: 38g | Protein: 5g | Fat: 19g | Saturated Fat: 12g | Trans Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 1mg | Sodium: 204mg | Potassium: 247mg | Fiber: 2g | Sugar: 22g | Vitamin A: 22IU | Vitamin C: 1mg | Calcium: 71mg | Iron: 4mg

If you like this recipe, you’re obviously a cheesecake person, so my vegan Cheesecake section might be of interest to you!

Made this Recipe?

If you had a go at this recipe, be sure to give me a shout on Instagram at @food_flaneur so I don’t miss out on your creations and give your post some love!

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Vegan Chocolate Tart | Food Flaneur Recipe Collection (2024)
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